Lauching Facilities Management Into a New Era


Lauching Facilities Management Into a New Era


Lauching Facilities Management Into a New Era

Innate curiosity and an irrepressible drive to tinker and test led technologist Richard Ham to turn the world of facilities & asset management on its head when he founded FMClarity in 2015.

Innate curiosity and an irrepressible drive to tinker and test led technologist Richard Ham to turn the world of facilities & asset management on its head when he founded FMClarity in 2015.

Innate curiosity and an irrepressible drive to tinker and test led technologist Richard Ham to turn the world of facilities & asset management on its head when he founded FMClarity in 2015.

Fed up with the antiquated, clunky legacy systems that were keeping facilities & asset management stuck in the past, Richard tackled the problems of FM from a completely new angle.

Throwing out the old, siloed way of working that was weighed down with inefficiencies such as duplication, double-handing and a lack of transparency, Richard drew on his extensive facilities and property management experience to design and build a modern, intuitive solution from the inside out – one that would transform facilities & asset management, bringing all stakeholders together into a single source of truth.

Even from childhood, Richard was compelled to invent, elbow deep in odds-and-ends in his Dad’s shed, building backyard spaceships with his eyes set far beyond the horizon. This entrepreneurial vision was the catalyst behind FMClarity.

During his 15-year career in commercial property management and real estate, including roles at JLL and PwC in Melbourne, Australia, Richard gained hands-on experience and an insider’s perspective on the unique complexities of facilities & asset management.

Just as he’d once imagined steering those homebuilt spaceships out into the universe, Richard now leads FMClarity into a revolutionary new era of innovative, hi-tech facilities management.

Fed up with the antiquated, clunky legacy systems that were keeping facilities & asset management stuck in the past, Richard tackled the problems of FM from a completely new angle.

Throwing out the old, siloed way of working that was weighed down with inefficiencies such as duplication, double-handing and a lack of transparency, Richard drew on his extensive facilities and property management experience to design and build   a modern, intuitive solution from the inside out – one that would transform facilities & asset management, bringing all stakeholders together into a single source of truth.

Even from childhood, Richard was compelled to invent, elbow deep in odds-and-ends in his Dad’s shed, building backyard spaceships with his eyes set far beyond the horizon. This entrepreneurial vision was the catalyst behind FMClarity.

During his 15-year career in commercial property management and real estate, including roles at JLL and PwC in Melbourne, Australia, Richard gained hands-on experience and an insider’s perspective on the unique complexities of facilities & asset management.

Just as he’d once imagined steering those homebuilt spaceships out into the universe, Richard now leads FMClarity into a revolutionary new era of innovative, hi-tech facilities management.

Meet the team

Meet the team

Meet the team

Mission, Vision and Values

Mission, Vision and Values

Richard Ham


Richard Ham


Alan Johncock


Alan Johncock


John Bauer


John Bauer


Jonathan Kessler


Jonathan Kessler


David Ham


David Ham


Fareed Rangooni

Head of Engineering

Fareed Rangooni

Head of Engineering

Deon Francis

Head of Customer Success

Deon Francis

Head of Customer Success

Ronaldo Pereira

Senior Multimedia Specialist

Ronaldo Pereira

Senior Multimedia Specialist

Yunus Celik

Senior Marketing Manager

Yunus Celik

Senior Marketing Manager

Ka Zhou

Senior Full Stack Engineer

Ka Zhou

Senior Full Stack Engineer

Shakthi Thangavel

Lead QA

Shakthi Thangavel

Lead QA

Neha Jere

QA Engineer

Neha Jere

QA Engineer

Sai Battu

QA Engineer

Sai Battu

QA Engineer

Franklin Darmansa

Full Stack Developer

Franklin Darmansa

Full Stack Developer

Andrey Kutnetsov

Senior Developer Programmer

Andrey Kutnetsov

Senior Developer Programmer

Kim Benedict G. Gulmatico

Frontend Developer

Kim Benedict G. Gulmatico

Frontend Developer

Andres Masanelli

Backend Developer

Andres Masanelli

Backend Developer

Livia Landi

Executive Assistant

Eilonwy Fung

Customer Success Specialist

Eilonwy Fung

Customer Success Specialist

David Ceber

Business Development Executive

Thomas Anderson

Business Development Executive


Chief Barking Officer


Chief Barking Officer

Mission, Vision and Values


Revolutionising Facilities Management for a Seamlessly Efficient World

We envision Facilities Management seamlessly integrating with technology, creating an efficient and interconnected environment. Our goal is to pioneer innovative solutions, transforming Facilities Management into a catalyst for organisational success in a seamlessly connected world.


Empowering Facilities Management to Simplify and Achieve Success

We're dedicated to empowering Facilities Management professionals and organisations by simplifying complex processes through cutting-edge SaaS solutions. Our tools enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and drive strategic decision-making, making us the driving force behind the success of every facility we touch.


Continuous Learning and Innovation

Embracing continuous improvement and innovation, we test new ideas, learn from experiences, and adapt solutions to meet dynamic client and industry needs.

Customer Obsession

Placing our customers at the core, we obsessively understand their needs, exceed expectations, and build lasting relationships to be a trusted partner in their journey to success.

Striving for Simplicity

In a complex world, we champion simplicity, designing user-friendly solutions to empower Facilities Management with straightforward processes, enabling users to achieve their goals with ease.

Authenticity and Integrity

Operating with the highest standards, we uphold authenticity and integrity, building trust through transparency and ethical practices in our interactions and decision-making.

Celebrating Each Other's Success

Fostering a collaborative environment, we celebrate individual successes, contributing to a collective culture of camaraderie, motivation, and a shared commitment to excellence on our journey to success.

By embodying these values and pursuing our mission and vision, we are confident in our ability to lead the way in revolutionising Facilities Management and creating a seamlessly connected world.


See What FMClarity Can Do For You …

What Can I Expect?

Our Australian based team will provide you with a 1-1 deep dive on how FMClarity can supercharge your facilities management.

Discover real-world use cases and insights into how companies are leveraging FMClarity.

You'll have the opportunity to ask questions relevant to your workflow and facilities management.

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